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Homework problems, practice problems, and similar questions should be directed to /r/learnmath, /r/homeworkhelp or /r/cheatatmathhomework.
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This includes reference requests - also see our list of free online resources and recommended books. If you're asking for help learning/understanding something mathematical, post in the Quick Questions thread or /r/learnmath. Requests for calculation or estimation of real-world problems and values are best suited for the Quick Questions thread, /r/askmath or /r/theydidthemath. For example, if you think your question can be answered quickly, you should instead post it in the Quick Questions thread. Questions on /r/math should spark discussion.

Rule 2: Questions should spark discussion Please avoid derailing such discussions into general political discussion, and report any comments that do so. In particular, any political discussion on /r/math should be directly related to mathematics - all threads and comments should be about concrete events and how they affect mathematics. All posts and comments should be directly related to mathematics, including topics related to the practice, profession and community of mathematics.